BMFO Development Guide

Abdulqader Jaradat

Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is available from the Free Software Foundation (

$Date: 2006-09-26 21:04:18 +0300 (Tue, 26 Sep 2006) $

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Recommended Tools
2.1. jEdit
2.2. TortoiseSVN
2.3. Ant
2.4. Tidy
1. Documentation
1.1. DocBook XSL
1.2. Documentation build
1.3. CHM Help
1.4. PDF Documentation
1.5. Arabic Documentation
1.6. Doxygen
2. Debugging
3. Testing
3.1. Manual Testing
3.2. Automated Testing
4. Internationalization
4.1. poEdit
4.1.1. Settings
4.2. Java ResourceBundles
5. Database Backends
6. Deployment
6.1. Installer
6.1.1. Client Installer
7. Report Creation
7.1. iReport
7.2. Report Arabization
8. Standards
8.1. Human Interface
8.2. Coding Style
8.2.1. Indentation
9. Procedures
9.1. Release Process
9.2. Bugs
9.2.1. Bug Tracker
10. PEAR

List of Figures

1. TortoiseSVN Context Menu
2. TortoiseSVN Checkout
1. poEdit PHP parser settings
2. Catalog Path
3. BMFO Deployment

List of Examples

1. ChangeLog entry
2. A string variable
3. Echo function
4. Loop indentation
5. If indentation
6. Class indentation
7. Switch indentation
8. Argument separation


General information for BMFO developers.

1. Introduction

This document describes standards applied in the Bulk Meter Flow and Operations (BMFO) application development.

BMFO is available from

Additional information is available in the BMFO Administration Guide, the BMFO User Guide, the BMFO API Documentation and various UML diagrams that are part of the BMFO distribution.

The document refers to BMFO version 1.2.4 .

2. Recommended Tools

This section describes the software tools that are used in the BMFO development.

2.1. jEdit

Install the Java Development Kit as described in the BMFO Administration Guide.

Install jEdit. jEdit is available from

The AntFarm plugin was used extensively during the BMFO development. It can be obtained through the jEdit Plugin Manager


Add "-Xmx512m" to your jEdit shortcut in order to increase the available heap memory (in this case 512MB. "C:\j2re\bin\javaw.exe" -Xmx512m -jar "C:\jEdit\jedit.jar" Otherwise you'll run out of memory when compiling the documentation

2.2. TortoiseSVN

TortoiseSVN is available from

TortoiseSVN adds a context menu to the Windows Explorer.

Select SVN Checkout from the Explorer context menu (Figure 1.

TortoiseSVN Context Menu

Figure 1. TortoiseSVN Context Menu

As shown in Figure 2, use the URL to check out the BMFO sources.

TortoiseSVN Checkout

Figure 2. TortoiseSVN Checkout

See the Sourceforge documentation for detailed instructions how to set up SVN access using TortoiseSVN:

2.3. Ant

Apache Ant is a Java-based build tool. It can be used to automate tasks.

  1. Download the Ant distribution from the internet (

  2. Unzip the file to c:\software

  3. Add c:\software\jakarta-ant-1.5\bin to the path.

  4. Add a new enviroment variable, JAVA_HOME pointing to your installation of the Java Development Kit, e.g. c:\program files\java\jdk1.5.0_05.

The BMFO distribution contains 3 ANT build files:

build.xml - used to build the sourcecode distribution
doc/build.xml - used to build the documentation from the DocBook sources
script/test/build.xml - used to run the Canoo webtest
servlet/build.xml - used to build the bmfo_reports.war web application archive

2.4. Tidy

The tidy version in the HTML Validator for Firefox is used to validate the generated HTML code.

The HTML Validator for Firefox is available from


1. Documentation

The BMFO documentation is written in XML DocBook. DocBook is a very popular format for technical documentation.

1.1. DocBook XSL

The DocBook XSL stylesheets are used to convert the documentation from the DocBook format to other formats. DocBook XSL is available from

The actual conversion is done by the XSLT processor saxon, which is available from

1.2. Documentation build

An ant build file (build.xml) is available in the doc folder to automate building the documentation in the following formats:


  • PDF

  • CHM

1.3. CHM Help

It is possible to create HTML Help files (*.chm) from DocBook with the Microsoft HTML Help Workshop.

The HTML help workshop is available under .

1.4. PDF Documentation

PDF Documentation can be generated with fop. The fop is available from

1.5. Arabic Documentation

To build the Arabic documentation, it is currently necessary to shadow the class com.icl.saxon.charcode.ASCIICharacterSet with a new version where the function inCharset() always returns true.

The DocBook XSL template language.attribute in l10.xsl should be changed to assign the value "rtl" to the attribute dir if the language equals "'ar'".

Arabic PDF: Special processing

1.6. Doxygen

Doxygen is used to document the BMFO API on the PHP level.

Doxygen is available from

The doxygen configuration file can be found under doc/development/doxygen/doxygen.cfg.

In order to generate graphical class representations, you should install Graphviz to c:\program files\att\graphviz. Graphviz is available from

Please insert the appropriate comments to document the PHP sources.

2. Debugging

Debug output to Apache's error.log can be enabled by setting $GLOBALS['boolDebug'] to true (e.g. in dbx_connect.php).

In the source code, debug output should be implemented like in the following example:

      if($GLOBALS['boolDebug']) {

3. Testing

3.1. Manual Testing

Manual testing is done using Firefox and Internet Explorer.

The HTML Validator for Firefox is used to check the HTML validity (Section 2.4).

3.2. Automated Testing

The Canoo Webtest suite is used for testing the application.

Canoo Webtest is freely available from

The file containing the tests is script/test/build.xml.

To run the tests, follow the steps below:

  1. Download for Canoo Webtest version 1.7. Extract the archive to a path without spaces.

  2. Add the bin folder of the Canoo distribution to the PATH.

  3. On the command line, change the working directory to script/test in the DCMMS sources.

  4. Run the following command:

    runWebtest.bat build.xml

The test report will be generated in script/test/webtest-results/results.html.


If you want to generate WebTest.dtd, you can use the "dtd" target of script/test/build.xml. The DTD will allow editors like jEdit to highlight syntax errors in the build file.

4. Internationalization

The gettext package is used to internationalize the BMFO application.

Messages that have to be translated but are not included in the PHP sources should be added to include/i18n.php. This is the case e.g. for coded values from the database.

4.1. poEdit

To edit the dcmms.po files, poEdit is recommended. It is freely available from


Install poEdit version 1.3.4 or higher.

4.1.1. Settings

In order to extract the translation messages from the PHP sources, the following settings should be applied.

Start poEdit.

Select Preferences from the File menu.

Select the Parser tab and click on the New button.

poEdit PHP parser settings

Figure 1. poEdit PHP parser settings

Fill in the settings as shown in Figure 1

Close the dialogs.

Open a dcmms.po file.

Choose Options... from the Catalog menu.

In the Paths tab, add the path to the BMFO source as shown in Figure 2

Catalog Path

Figure 2. Catalog Path


Make sure that you enter the actual path to the BMFO sources on your system.

Once the settings above have been applied, it is possible to update the catalog by selecting Update from sources from the Catalog menu.

4.2. Java ResourceBundles

The PDF reports are internationalized using Java ResourceBundles. These ResourceBundles can be generated from the bmfo.po files using the msgfmt command from the gettext distribution.

Gettext for Windows is available from

Create the ResourceBundles for the PDF Reports:

msgfmt --java2 -d ..\..\..\servlet\WEB-INF\classes -l ar_AR -r bmfo bmfo.po

Note that javac must be in your PATH.


If you are using a gettext version < 0.15.0 on Windows you may encounter an error message like the following:

msgfmt: cannot create a temporary directory using template "\/msgK5G9pb": Invalid argument

In this case, try to set the environment variable TMPDIR to a temporary directory.

5. Database Backends

BMFO supports different database backends, currently ORACLE and Postgresql.

All functions that are specific to the different backends have been isolated in include/dbx_connect.php. To To create dbx_connect.php, the appropriate one of the two sample files dbx_connect_oracle.php and dbx_connect_postgresql.php needs to be copied and adjusted. This is done e.g. by the NSIS installer (Section 6.1).

6. Deployment

BMFO Deployment

Figure 3. BMFO Deployment

6.1. Installer

To ease the BMFO deployment under Windows, two NSIS installers have been created.

To compile the installers, you need the Nullsoft Super Installation System, which is available from

6.1.1. Client Installer

The file bmfo-client.nsi contains the BMFO Client Installer sources.

Adjust the variable BMFO_URL according to the location of your BMFO server:

!define BMFO_URL ""

7. Report Creation

This section describes how to add new PDF reports to BMFO using iReport.

7.1. iReport

The iReport report writer is available from

7.2. Report Arabization

Use the following font settings for Arabized fields:

  • Report font: empty

  • Font name: Arial

  • PDF Font name: External TTF font...

  • True Type font: Arial (arial.ttf)

  • PDF Embedded: true

  • PDF Encoding: Identity-H (Unicode with horizontal writing)


Make sure that arial.ttf is copied to your iReport folder for Arabic support.

8. Standards

Standards-compliance is one of the goals of the BMFO development. This will eventually allow e.g. to support different database backends.

  • SQL

  • UML


  • CSS

  • DocBook


8.1. Human Interface

The human interface design tries to follow the GNOME Human Interface Guidelines (

8.2. Coding Style

Look at the existing codebase and try to code using the same style.

Update the ChangeLog for every commit.

Example 1. ChangeLog entry

2003-07-29  Steffen Macke <>

	* doc/development/dcmms_development_guide.xml: more information on 
	coding style

For variable names, use prefixes like flt, str, arr and date to indicate the variable type.

Example 2. A string variable

$strName = "test";

Variable names should be descriptive, with the exception of simple loop variables like i,j,k,l,m

Use a wrap margin of 80 characters. jEdit can provide a guiding line for this purpose: Utilities Global Options Editing Wrap Margin

Internationalize all messages visible to the end user. See Section 4 for the details.

When echoing texts from PHP, use brackets to indicate that echo() is a function.

Example 3. Echo function


Single quotes should be used wherever possible for performance reasons

8.2.1. Indentation


Use an indent width of 2 characters and a tab width of 8 characters.

Do not use "Soft (emulated with spaces) tabs".

Indent classes, functions, loops and if statements properly. This allows to use jEdit folding.

Example 4. Loop indentation

foreach($arrNames as $strName) {

Example 5. If indentation

if($strValue == $strValue2) {
  echo("Values are equal.");
} else {
  echo("Values are not equal.");

Example 6. Class indentation

class Test {
  // store the name
  // constructor
  function Test($strName) {
    $strTestName = strName;

Example 7. Switch indentation

switch($intValue) {
  case 1:
    $intResult = 2;
    $intResult = 1;

Separate arguments in function calls by a comma and a space.

Example 8. Argument separation

$strMessage = sprintf("This is a %s", "test");


Use comments to structure the code and make it easier to understand.

Include the copyright header in each source file.

9. Procedures

Important procedures in the BMFO development.

9.1. Release Process

  1. Update the version number in include/header.php, doc/version.xml, doc/administration/bmfo_administration_guide.xml, doc/user/en/bmfo_user_guide.xml, build.xml, bmfo.nsi, bmfo-client.nsi, servlet/WEB-INF/web.xml, etc/index.html and doc/development/doxygen/doxygen.cfg.

  2. Verify that all SQL DDL scripts are running without errors (redirect output to file).

  3. Check that the webtest is passed.

  4. Review Apache's error.log after running the web test.

  5. Check that the UML diagrams in doc/development are up to date.

  6. Update all translations (See Section 4). Don't forget the Java ResourceBundles.

  7. Add the necessary information to the Updating section of the administration guide.

  8. Check that the documentation build is passed.

  9. Update the NEWS file and the "What's New" section in the BMFO user guide.

  10. In the Subversion repository, copy all files to the appropriate folder under /tags. Include the version information, e.g. /tags/bmfo/BMFO_1_0_8. This can be done with the TortoiseSVN repository browser.

  11. Delete temporary files.

  12. Create a zipfile using build.xml. Create the installers.

  13. Update the documentation on the CD.

  14. Check the links on the CD.

  15. Update etc/index.html. Create a BMFO CD and test.

  16. Release the zipfile and installer on sourceforge.

  17. Upload the updated documentation to Sourceforge.

  18. Create a news item on sourceforge.

  19. Update - this is done automatically with RSS for the main page. Update the docs on the website.

  20. Update the freshmeat entry (

  21. Send a release notice to .

  22. Announce the new release on

9.2. Bugs

For non-trivial bugs, the following approach is recommended:

  1. Add a webtest that identifies the bug. Make sure that this test is not passed.

  2. Fix the bug

  3. Check that all tests are passed.

9.2.1. Bug Tracker

The Group attribute of the bug tracker shall be used to determine the version in which the problem will be fixed.


Don't use the group item to mark the version(s) that are affected by the problem.

10. PEAR

BMFO is currently using the following PEAR classes:


PEAR is the PHP Extensible Application Repository.

It is intended to use more PEAR components in the future.

More information about PEAR can be found under



bmfo.nsi, Installer
boolDebug, Debugging
bug, Bugs
bug tracker, Bug Tracker
build.xml, Ant


Canoo Webtest, Automated Testing
ChangeLog, Coding Style
coding style, Coding Style
dbx_connect.php, Database Backends


dbx_connect.php, Database Backends
debug, Debugging
deployment, Deployment
DocBook, DocBook XSL
XSL, DocBook XSL
Arabic, Arabic Documentation
Doxygen, Doxygen


error.log, Debugging


bmfo.nsi, Installer
ChangeLog, Coding Style


group, Bug Tracker


human interface, Human Interface


indentation, Indentation
installer, Installer
Internationalization, Internationalization
Arabic Reports, Report Arabization
ResourceBundles, Java ResourceBundles
introduction, Introduction
iReport, iReport


ResourceBundles, Java ResourceBundles
jEdit, jEdit


NSIS, Installer


PDF, PDF Documentation
poEdit, poEdit
procedures, Procedures


release process, Release Process
reports, Report Creation
ResourceBundles, Java ResourceBundles


standards, Standards
coding, Coding Style


test, Testing
automated, Automated Testing
manual, Manual Testing
tools, Recommended Tools
Ant, Ant
Doxygen, Doxygen
Gettext, Java ResourceBundles
iReport, iReport
jEdit, jEdit
NSIS, Installer
poEdit, poEdit
TortoiseSVN, TortoiseSVN
TortoiseSVN, TortoiseSVN